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Fallout 76: Ultracite Locations and Production Methods


Let us save you the search. If you’re hunting Ultracite locations in Fallout 76, look no further! Below, we’ve listed all the locations you should be able to find Ultracite in Fallout 76 alongside the other production methods available.

In Fallout 76, Ultracite is a unique, radioactive glass-like material used in a number of crafting applications. In Fallout 76‘s canon, it’s an incredibly potent energy source which is brittle enough that human miners often break the ultracite.

In-game, it is used in the crafting of anti-Scorched weaponry, Ultracite Power Armour, and a number of other high-level weapons. This includes the Super Stimpak.

Anti-Scorched Weaponry is effective against the Scorched, human enemies in Fallout 76 that have been infected with the Scorched Plague. They are zombie-like, with no self-consciousness and a link to a primitive hive mind. They are able to speak and use weapons, though. So, Anti-Scorched weaponry is well-worth having.

The Scorched Plague actually causes the formation of Ultracite within living tissue, thus any weapons utilizing this are extra effective.

Fallout 76 Ultracite Locations

Ultracite can be found in a number of clustered deposits around Appalachia in Fallout 76. Below are the rough locations of where you’ll be able to find these.

Firstly, there are Ultracite deposits scattered down the east edge of the Savage Divide North, by The Mire. This area is recommended for players level 30 and above.

Fallout 76 Ultracite Locations
Ultracite Deposit Locations / Credit: Bethesda

Secondly, Ultracite deposits are scattered sparsely in the southern areas of Fallout 76‘s map. This includes the following locations:

Near Lake Eloise, near Torrance House, and near the AMS Testing Site.

Fallout 76 Ultracite Locations
Ultracite Deposit Locations / Credit: Bethesda

Finally, several Ultracite deposit locations can be found in the Cranberry Bog in the below locations. Primarily this is near Drop Site V9 and the Glassed Cavern.

Fallout 76 Ultracite Locations
Ultracite Deposit Locations / Credit: Bethesda

What Junk Items Can I Get Ultracite From In Fallout 76?

Ultracite can be acquired from scrapping several Junk Items found across West Virginia in Fallout 76. Below is a list of which Junk Items yield Ultracite:

Hardened Mass ( Yields 1);

Scorchbeast Bones ( Yields 1);

Scorchbeast Hide ( Yields 1);

High Int Rock ( Yields 2);

Scotchbeast Wing Fragment ( Yields 2);

RELATED: Fallout 76: Uranium Locations and Production Methods

Junk Items can be scrapped at any of the following locations in Fallout 76:

Armor Workbench, Chemistry Station, Power Armor Station, Tinker’s Workbench, and Weapons Workbench.

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I like writing about video games and drinking tea, but the kettle's boiling.