Home > News > Fortnite Just Rickroll’d Its Twitter Followers

Fortnite Just Rickroll’d Its Twitter Followers

By: David
fortnite rickroll

For many years, unsuspecting internet users have been Rickroll’d, the act of clicking on a link expecting something of value only to be met by the great Rick Astley performing his hit “Never Gonna Give You Up”. Epic Games used Fortnite to Rickroll us all, and it worked.

Fortnite released a tweet saying they’d liked a YouTube video titled “Watch How This Bear Made The Unlikeliest Of Friends”. This sort of tweet isn’t uncommon, and you often see it if a user has their YouTube account linked to their Twitter. As expected, many users clicked the video to see what the staff at Epic watch in their spare time only to be greeted by the voice of Rick.

Check out some hilarious responses from the Fortnite community below;

You can check out the video below;

Did you fall for the Fortnite Rickroll? Let us know in the comments.

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