Home > News > Genshin Impact 1.3 Update: Xiao, Patch Notes, and Leaks!

Genshin Impact 1.3 Update: Xiao, Patch Notes, and Leaks!


Keeping true to the schedule MIHOYO set out at release the third main patch is going live February 3rd for Genshin Impact 1.3 update will bring new events, challenges, and a new banner. 

Credit: Genshin Impact

The update will release more content to progress the story as well as have unlockable story lines for the new character Xiao.

This isn’t the first time we meet Xiao, similarly to Zhongli, we meet him early throughout the story and learn a bit about his character seeming aloof and a few other NPC’s notes that he is rarely in a good mood, he then becomes a playable character February 3rd  though their wishing gacha.

He is one of the Adepti guarding Liyue, uses a Polearm with the elemental power of Ameno, who takes his duties very seriously despite his grand distaste for the mortal realm. He unlike the other Adepti of Liyue didn’t abandon the city.

 Xiao is one of the players most anticipated releases after only being playable during the beta, though he isn’t the only character being released this patch, we will also meet Hu Tao, a fire polearm user. Though due to the launch event for Xiao the users won’t know when wishing for her will be available.

Genshin Impact Xiao
Credit: Genshin Impact


The main event brought from Genshin Impact 1.3 will be Lantern Rite Festival, which unlocks a ton of cool new features, one being a tower defence mini-game, where the player seems to fight off waves of enemies with the assistance of elemental infused towers.

The game also plans on fully utilizing the photography aspect of the game to claim and discover new places and rewards.

Two new Geo monster also makes his way to the field. Geovishap and Primo Geovishap, which go hand in hand with the updates to the character expeditions.

Character expeditions gained a huge buff this patch with unlocking new types of rewards, and missions for each area. They also upped the amount of people you can allow to go on said missions, increasing the amount of people, increases the amount of bonus rewards possible to obtain.

Once hitting a certain thresh point for the expeditions, they allow players to acquire ‘On the hunt’ missions where you will then be tasked with going to find and conquer the Geovishap in person.

RELATED: Genshin Impact: Keqing Character Guide

Additional Changes

The developer teams also directly buffed Geo characters, these include:

  • Zhongli
  • Noelle
  • And ‘Enduring Rock’.

These changes will for sure bring Geo users up to par with their other elemental partners.

We will also be gaining expansions for current regions already unlocked from previous updates but nothing to ground breaking.

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Graduate of Harrisburg University of Science and Technology, with a passion for writing and games, and the asperation to work alongside some of the best and influential people in the industry!