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How to Get Crafting Metals in Apex Legends


There are a few key resources in Apex Legends. There are Apex Coins, Legend Tokens, and Crafting Metals. In this guide, we will talk about what Crafting Metals are and how to get them as they can allow you to craft any cosmetic in Apex Legends you want. And who doesn’t like loot that is not relying on the randomness of loot boxes?

What are Crafting Metals in Apex Legends?

Legendary item craft using crafting metals
Legendary item craft

Crafting Metals, not to be confused with Heirloom Shards, is one of the main resources in Apex Legends. You can find your balance of the Crafting Metals in the top right corner of the game’s menu. They are marked with blue rectangles right under your Apex Coins.

With Crafting Metals you can craft any cosmetic item in the game you want. And that’s the important part, there is no RNG involved. If you know what skin, banner, or pose you’d like, you can collect enough Crafting Metals to eventually get it. The trick part getting those Metals.

Heirloom Shards are quite similar to Crafting Metals, except they are extremely rare and can be spent only on a specific range of weapons. Those weapons usually are melee weapons unique to each Legend.

Ways to Get Crafting Metals in Apex Legends

There are quite a few ways to get your hands on some Crafting Metals. Some of them may require you to spend a little bit of cash, others are completely free. But obviously, free methods will offer much fewer resources than the paid ones.

Apex Packs

Crafting metals as a drop in the opened apex pack
Apex pack drops

The first and the most efficient way to get Crafting Metals is by opening Apex Packs. Yes, it does sound horrible but let’s explore this. In an Apex Pack, you can get many cosmetics and Crafting Metals. Crafting Metals become even a more often drop if you have many skins already in your collection as there are no duplicates in this game.

Crafting materials can drop in four rarities:

  • Common – 15 Crafting Metals
  • Rare – 30 Crafting Metals
  • Epic – 200 Crafting Metals
  • Legendary – 600 Crafting Metals

If you are new to the game, you can get free Apex Packs from leveling up. With each new level, you get a free pack and it has a chance of giving you some materials. Other ways of getting Apex Packs are buying them for Apex Coins (1 pack costs 100 Apex Coins = USD $1), or by claiming rewards from events and free Battle Pass tiers.

Battle Pass

Apex Legends battle pass rewards
Battle pass rewards

Just like in every game these days, Apex Legends features seasons and a seasonal Battle Pass. You can find it in the Season Hub at the top right of the main menu. Battle Pass offers a variety of free and premium rewards that you can earn by completing challenges. Challenges are located in the rightest tab of the hub.

Each Battle Pass offers 1200 Crafting Metals which equals one Legendary weapon skin (Legend skins cost 2400) that you can craft. Unfortunately, Crafting Metals are only in premium tiers which means you have to buy the premium Battle Pass. Battle Pass is fairly cheap and costs 950 Apex Coins which are worth USD $10. And to be honest, with all the rewards it’s pretty good value for money.

Treasure Packs

Apex Legends treasure pack rewards
Treasure pack rewards

The method that gets overlooked is treasure packs. You can find them in your current season’s hub in the tab next to the Battle Pass. Every day you can collect a Treasure Pack in Apex matches. It looks like a big red crate (a bit bigger than the Med Kit) and is a relatively common drop in loot crates. It doesn’t take inventory space though. Look out for pings from your teammates and if you found another one, ping it too. Others may just need it.

When you are back in the lobby you will receive a reward for collecting it. The more days you play and collect the treasure packs the further down the reward track you will progress and eventually claim the Crafting Metals within it. This reward track resets with every new season. So if you look at the image above, you have to play and collect treasure packs for 9 days to obtain 15 Crafting Metals.

Free Events

Lastly, there are limited-time events in Apex Legends that can offer a variety of rewards. Events are usually tied to a series of challenges you need to complete. At the moment of writing this, there were no events happening in Apex. Mostly because the new season just dropped. However, keep an eye out for news and updates from Apex Legends. There are definitely more to come.

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Based in the UK, Edward is a Guides Editor at Gamezo. He's all about esports and gaming and plays a little bit of everything. But his favorite game of all time is Destiny 2.