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League of Legends Patch 10.18 Previewed


League of Legends’ 10.18 patch will hit the live servers Wednesday of next week, and Riot just previewed the changes it will bring. As a reminder, those aren’t definitive and might still be tweaked by the time the patch hits.


– Shield amount reduced from 90-250 (+25% AP) (+12% bonus HP) to 90-250 (+15% AP) (+9% bonus HP).

Base stats: AD reduced from 61 to 59.

Q: Initial damage reduced from 80-220 to 70-210.

Base stats: HP per level reduced from 90 to 85, armor per level reduced from 3.5 to 3.25.

Passive: Second attack bonus damage modified from 5-90 (+15% tAD) to 5-90 (+50% bAD).
Q: Damage modified from 10-50 (+1-5% max HP) (+1% per 100 tAD) to 10-50 (+2-3.6% per 100 tAD).
Context: Those changes are aimed at nerfing his tank builds without weakening AD Sett.

Passive: Shield reduced from 70-121 to 60-111.


Base stats: HP regen reduced from 6.5 to 5.5.
Passive: Passive replaced with Essence Theft: “Whenever Ahri hits an enemy with one of her abilities, she gains a charge of Essence Theft, and can gain up to 3 charges per ability cast. Upon reaching 9 charges, her next ability heals her for [3/5/9/18 at lvls 1/6/11/16 (+9% AP)].”
Q: Passive removed (moved to the main passive).
W: Now grants 40% movement speed decaying over 1.5s and deals 200% damage to minions below 20% health. Cooldown increased from 9-5s to 10-6s, mana cost increased from 40 to 55. Now better prioritizes low health minions.
Context: Shifting effects from parts of her kit to change Ahri’s playstyle while giving her a slight buff.

Jarvan IV:
Q: Base damage increased from 80-240 to 90-250.

Q: No longer refunds mana on champion hit.
W: Mana cost increased from 70-100 to 90-130.
E: Coooldown reduced from 8 to 8-6, mana cost removed from 50-70, missile speed increased from 2000 to 5000.
Context: Shifting power around to incentize Kayle to play more aggressively in lane.

Miss Fortune:
Base stats: Attack speed per level increased from 2.25% to 3%.
W: Passive movement speed increased from 50-90 to 55-95.

Q: Total damage increased from 175-315 to 180-340.

E: AP ratio per stack increased from 20% to 33.3%.
R: Damage to each consecutive unit increased from 100%/80%/64%/51%/40% to 100%/90%/80%/70%/60%.

Xin Zhao:
W: Slash base damage increased from 30-70 to 40-80, Thrust damage increased from 30-170 (+75% AD) to 40-180 (+80% AD).

Skins and cosmetic updates

This patch will bring a new skin line, PsyOps, giving skins to Ezreal, Master Yi, Shen, Sona, and Vi. Sona’s skin is legendary, while Ezreal receives the Prestige edition. Lastly, Ziggs will receive a Hextech skin, available against 10 gemstones.

In addition to her legendary skin, Sona is also granted a new voice-over.

Last but not least, a visual effects update is granted to Nocturne, Viktor, Malzahar, as well as to the Summoner spell Ignite and to Tryndamere’s ultimate.

The patch 10.18 will be the last one before the one the World Championship will be played on!

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