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League of Legends:The Top 5 Mid Laners Of All Time

Have you ever wondered who the best League of Legends mid laner of all time is? Let’s find out together in this article!

From the Polish boomer Shushei back in Season 1 to the Korean prodigy Doinb in the latest Worlds Championship, there are hundreds of amazing mid laners. Here are the Top 5 mid laners of all time!

5. PawN

PawN has the career that many envy. The Korean prodigy started his career back in 2013 with MiG Blitz. Since then, he has joined a handful of teams with KT Rolster and Kingzone DragonX being his most notable. He and his teams are constantly in the Top 3 of LCK. In 2017, he won the KeSPA Cup with KT Rolster one year after they also won LCK Summer. Sadly, PawN has now retired due to health issues, but he will always be considered one of the best.

4. Bjergsen

The Danish “God with Four Wards” (as Chinese fans call him) places fourth in my list. Bjergsen has a bright career both in Europe but also in the United States. Before joining TSM, he was terrorizing the European scene. There, he played under the tags of Copenhagen Wolves and Ninjas In Pyjamas. With TSM, Bjergsen conquered the NA Scene from 2014 until 2017 where he almost won every single split. Now, Bjergsen still plays for TSM, where he has a percentage of ownership.

3. Caps

Caps (or Craps when he plays badly) is another Danish star. He is considered by many to be the best European mid laner of all time. Also, he is the only European player to attend the World Finals with two different teams back to back. Not many words describe him; his achievements speak for him. EU LCS MVP 2018, LEC MVP 2019, MSI MVP 2019 and many other trophies decorate his room. Right now, Caps has switched over to the Marksman position, but I couldn’t resist putting him on this list.

2. Rookie

Rookie has been in the Top 3 best players of the world for at least two years now. The phenomenal Korean mid laner is a part of Invictus Gaming. Since joining them, he has won plenty of tournaments and has earned many trophies. Many call him “Faker Junior” due to his outstanding skills and game sense. In 2018, he was crowned World Champion, beating Fnatic in the Finals with a 3-0 victory.

1. Faker

Faker is not only the best mid laner but also the best player in the world. His achievement list is unbelievable. He has won the World Championship three times, while in 2016, he was crowned the MVP of the tournament. Consistent, skillful and cognitional are some words that describe him. He is, deservedly, the best player in the world.

That was my list of the Top 5 mid laners of all time. Thanks for reading. And, as always, GLHF.

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