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Riot Games Music Releases Creator-Safe Lofi Collection

Lo-fi beats by Riot Games

The lo-fi playlists are perfect for relaxation, studying, gaming, or anything to be honest. To keep up with the trend Riot Games released a lo-fi album for streaming: Sessions: Vi.

Sessions: Vi is an hour and forty minutes long playlist consisting of 37 lo-fi tracks. Made for nice vibes on gaming streams, the tracks are completely creator-friendly. The music is free to be used for YouTube, Twitch, and Facebook without the risk of receiving a DMCA strike.

In Riot’s fashion, there are also references to the Riot’s games, in this case, it’s the universe of League of Legends. The title and YouTube video is based around Vi, one of the League of Legends characters. There are 3 parts in the album: morning, afternoon, and evening, all displaying the daily routine of Vi (Important: this is not canon).

Sessions: Vi, is uploaded to Riot Games Music – a new YouTube channel for all of the music by Riot Games. Moreover, this is only the first of multiple albums in the Sessions series that will be developing based on player’s and listener’s feedback.

The playlist is already available on Spotify and Apple Music so you can listen to it on the go. In addition you can watch it on YouTube and follow Vi throughout her day.

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Based in the UK, Edward is a Guides Editor at Gamezo. He's all about esports and gaming and plays a little bit of everything. But his favorite game of all time is Destiny 2.