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The Best Aimlab Scenarios for Valorant


Valorant is currently one of the most played games in the world, averaging 15 million players monthly. It is understandable that a lot of people want to improve their game. There are tons of factors when it comes to getting better at playing Valorant. Of course, aim is one of the things that you can develop to rise through the ranks. But remember that you must put in the work in order to improve.

There are a lot of options out there that you can use for your practice. In my opinion, Aimlab is currently the best free aim trainer, and on the plus side, it is available on Steam. It may be hard to navigate through multiple scenarios available in Aimlab. But don’t fret, because here are the best Aimlab scenarios for Valorant:

Best Aimlab Scenarios for Valorant


Let’s start with flicking tasks. Personally speaking, these scenarios help the most when it comes to improving your aim in FPS games. By playing these Aimlab routines, you will get better at placing your crosshair wherever you want, like flicking at stationary targets (enemy heads). When playing these scenarios, try your best to aim at a straight line for consistency and lower crosshair travel time.

Sixshot Ultimate

This is the best Aimlab task to improve your Valorant aim, in my opinion. In this scenario, six small targets spawn randomly on your screen, and another one will spawn once you kill one target. Sixshot improves your flicking between small targets. But, you have to remember the importance of hitting your targets. Keep your accuracy above 85%, and don’t mind feeling slow and getting low scores at first. Flicking speed will also develop once you get the feeling of aiming between targets. 

Spidershot Precision or Microshot Precision

Unlike sixshot and headshot, these scenarios involve improving your aim in all directions. Targets in these tasks appear in random locations and disappear after a short while if you don’t shoot them. Your reaction time and flicking speed will get better after playing spidershot or microshot. But remember, try your best to keep your accuracy above 85% to get the best results. Spidershot and microshot are very similar, so play what you prefer between the two.

Headshot Precision

This scenario is slightly similar to sixshot. Targets spawn at headshot level, so you have to practice aiming in a straight line at headshot level, which helps a lot in a tactical shooter like Valorant.  When playing flicking scenarios, like mentioned before, always remember to try your best to keep your accuracy above 85% before improving your speed. 


There isn’t much tracking in Valorant, but I would still recommend playing tracking scenarios. Micro adjustments and precision will be hard if your aim is shaky and inconsistent. These tasks will help you improve your smoothness and consistency when it comes to aiming.  

Switchtrack Ultimate

In this scenario, multiple orbs circle 360 degrees around you and change direction randomly. Playing switchtrack will help you improve your target switching and smoothness. Try your best to switch between targets quickly and track them. This task imitates acquiring targets (enemy heads) and trying your best to trace them with your crosshair.

Circletrack Precision

In circletrack, a single orb circles 360 degrees around you that changes direction randomly to test your tracking ability. This task imitates moving enemies in Valorant, and your main focus for this scenario is trying your best to be smooth by staying at the target. Just a piece of advice, relax your forearm and hands as much as possible because being tense will make your aim worse.

There you have the best Aimlab scenarios for Valorant. I recommend including deathmatch in your routine to get better at the gunplay and movement. Play these scenarios for 30-60 minutes a day, and don’t fatigue yourself because it will do more harm than good.

Improvement doesn’t come overnight. That is why you have to be consistent with your training routine. If you feel like you hit a boulder with no more room to improve, just rest for a few days and remember that it is part of the journey. See you on the field, and good luck with your training agent! 

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