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The Sims 4: 10 Coolest Challenges to Try


The Sims is a game with many possibilities. However, sometimes players get bored and a fun way to solve that problem is to try to accomplish some of The Sims 4 challenges created by players. Some of them are actually quite famous.

Here is a list of 10 challenges with rules that you can try to bring more emotion to your game and make it more demanding.

1 – The 100 Baby Challenge

the Sims 4
Credit: EA

Probably the most popular among The Sims 4 challenges, in the 100 baby challenge, as the name suggests, you must raise 100 babies. However, all with different partners.

You must create a matriarch and have as many babies as you can with her until she gets too old. Then, you use the youngest female baby to be the next matriarch.

Of course, the game doesn’t let you have more than 8 sims in your house. So, when each baby becomes a young adult, you have to move him or her.

2 – The Rags to Riches Challenge

the Sims 4
Credit: EA

In the Rags to Riches Challenge, the player has a lot of goals and rules specified.

Your sim can buy a lot but, after that, the owned cash must be changed to 0 simoleons. The player then has to do everything it can accomplish many goals and the sim can start a happy and rich life.

3 – The Black Widow Challenge

the Sims 4
Credit: EA

Some challenges are a bit dark, and this is one of them. In a different way to get rich, in the Black Widow Challenge, the player will have a matriarch that will marry and then kill as many different sims so she (or even he) can to steal their money.

You can even count the killings by tombstones and, upon reaching 10 tombstones, the house becomes haunted.

4 – The Decades Challenge

the Sims 4
Credit: EA

The Decades Challenge is like a time trip. You start by pretending is 1890’s. Therefore, no electricity, outside toilers, female children may only move out once married and a bunch of other rules that mimic aspects from that time.

After the 1890’s, you visit the 1900’s, the 1910’s and so on until you reach the 2010’s. Each new decade starts with the children growing into young adults (or teens if you prefer).

5 – The Three Little Sims Challenge

the Sims 4
Credit: EA

The Three Little Sims Challenge is perfect to explore what happens if you left the sims to take care of their own.

You create three sims with no relationship between each other and make them cohabit the same lot. Each day you can only control one of the sims while the others will do whatever they want.

6 – The Living off the Grid Challenge

the Sims 4
Credit: EA

The name of the Living Off the Grid Challenge already suggests it all. In it, it’s like your sim has consciously taken all steps to remove all electric devices from their life.

Even your work choices become limited. You must live from things like painting or gardening.

7 – The Homeless Challenge

Credit: EA

The Homeless Challenge is very similar to the Rags to Riches Challenge.

The start is pretty similar, you buy a lot and get rid of all your money. However, after that things start to become different. There are some different prohibitions and challenges that you have to fulfil to create a stable life.

8 – The Runaway Teen Challenge

Credit: EA

With a teenager sim living alone, try to have a basic home in the Runaway Teen Challenge.

You are not allowed to go to school, have a proper job or talk with anyone older than you since you are a runway, you don’t want to get reported. You can’t even build any kind of shelter until you have earned the simoleans to do so.

9 – The Legacy Challenge

Credit: EA

The Legacy Challenge is a quite popular one. In it, you create a founder sim that will live in a 50×50 empty lot. Your mission, is, with only 1800 simoleons, play through 10 generations of this family on the same lot.

There is even an Extreme Start Option that you start with no simoleons at all.

10 – The Serial Killer Challenge

Credit: EA

A dark challenge, just like the Black Widow one, is the Serial Killer Challenge. However, here you don’t need to marry and steal money, your focus here is basically to kill as many sims as you can within 3 weeks by attracting them to your house.

Those are our favourite Sims 4 Challenges. There are some rules, scoring and penalties that you can read here.

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