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Mixer Officially Removed from Xbox One

By: David

Well…Mixer is officially done. Its official end date is July 22nd, but today, Microsoft released an update for the Xbox One that removes Mixer functionality.

Last month, it was announced that Mixer would be ending and would be acquired by Facebook Gaming. This has left many streamers without a home, should they choose not to move over to Facebook. Ninja and Shroud were also 2 streamers left without a platform, but both reportedly received their full contact payments despite not seeing out their terms, making them free agents.

Mixer has been fully integrated into the Xbox One UI since the platform launched. With the console constantly trying to push players to check out Mixer streams, it also made it incredibly easy to stream on the platform. It is strange not seeing it there, although it is definitely a good thing and will make for a cleaner user experience.

With Microsoft now out of the streaming business, the streaming world is primarily dominated by Twitch, YouTube Gaming and Facebook Gaming. It will be interesting to see whether any platforms are integrated into the next generation, but it seems unlikely.

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